Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Strange Pennsylvania Vocal

I was out with some friends during the 2016 BFRO expedition to Pennsylvania and captured this strange vocal on my recorder. It was about 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, November 5th, and we were sitting in the forest near a trail used by horse back riders. This vocal came from an area uphill of our position.


  1. Could it be a BF humming/singing with a knock to go with it's song?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I suppose anything is possible. But if it were actual singing I'd expect it to go on a bit longer. Whatever the source was, it seemed to be making this single strange sound and no more. We stayed for another hour and hear no more.

  4. There is a voice before the strange wavy sound. For three and a half seconds after the wavy sound there is a voice but there is no indication of it on Audacity. I hear something though Repeat loudly and each time your mind will focus in on it.

  5. chest thumping --- I have several reasons for why, I know it sounds strange.

  6. Hello.

    Would you be interested in checking out this audio of mine?

    [A few years ago you reviewed one of my recordings, from here in northern Minnesota - Minnesota Howls.]

    Here is link and description.


    This recording is from March, 2011 in the Saginaw area of Minnesota, north of Cloquet, northwest of Duluth. Recorder was left in the woods overnight, picked up the next day in the afternoon.

    As I walked up I heard a big knock and answered, did not get a return. I went up to my recorder, picked it up, took it home.

    I didn’t see or hear anyone else out there, but when I listened back I could tell that there had been “voices,” that sound exactly like children at play in the area of my recorder just before I walked up, unaware.

    I will go ahead and just say that I suspect they were Sasquatch children at play and that when they heard the knock warning they left.

    I will also say that there is a path that sometimes has horses, riders, and there is a river within a quarter mile, but it was cold, too early and too cold for anyone to be playing in the river, and I did not see any people with horses.

    And there is a house in the area, but from what I have found out they do not have children. I have also judged many times as I have been back to the area and the house is just too far, in my opinion, for the up-close sound of children to have been picked up by my recorder.

    So, if you will take about ten minutes or a little more to listen, you will hear airplanes, geese, something close to the recorder, knocking, and you will hear children playing, perhaps Sasquatch children.
    [recording is at the above link]

    Thanks for considering.

    Mike Palecek
