
A site dedicated to the review and analysis of potential sasquatch vocalizations, Sasquatch Bioacoustic combines techniques from the domains of intelligence collection, audio analysis and bioacoustic studies to examine the evidence of sasquatch through their vocalizations. ~Monongahela

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Best of the Sasquatch Bioacoustic's Video-Spectrograms

This list captures the "best-of" the video spectrograms published here at Sasquatch Bioacoustic and serves as an easy reference list for the interested listener.


The Ohio Howl - The first recording of a "Moan Howl" known to have been captured, in 1994, by Matt Moneymaker of the BFRO. This comes from Columbiana County Ohio, near Wellsville on the Ohio River. The original clip may be found at:


The Mississippi Howl - On December 19th, 2004 in Forrest County Mississippi, John Callender recorded a sequence of long moan howls, very similar to the Ohio Moan Howl of 1994. However, careful post-processing of John's recording reveals more than meets the ear, including a whoop and what may be the first known recorded instance of a "falsetto shriek" and a "yahoo" vocal. Both of these vocal types have been captured repeatedly in the years since.


The Florida Howl - The first moaning howl recording captured in Florida, by Dan McGee, during a 2006 BFRO expedition to Lake County


The Kentucky Vocalizations - On April 10, 2010, Billy Arndell and members of the Scottsville Ghost Hunters were visiting an abandoned house in a large wooded tract. Billy placed an audio recorder inside the house, near a broken out window, and captured this series of vocalizations while he and his friends talked outside.


Recorded by Kirk Brandenburg at 5:56 pm, August 20, 2010, near Morton, Washington. He and his group had just arrived and were in the process of setting up their camp when these vocals began. Kirk had the presence of mind to quickly start his audio recorder and captured this great vocal sequence. The moan howls in this clip are highly consistent with moan howls captured in Ohio, Mississippi, Florida and Georgia. This clip begins with an indistinct vocalization, possibly from a different sasquatch, and ends with two whoops.


Piney Woods Up Vocals - Captured on August 31, 2011 at 10:50 p.m. in a research area in Pendleton County, West Virginia. These ascending vocals follow shortly after two faint whoops and resemble similar vocals captured in Brunswick County, VA. The second half of this clip includes spectral amplification to bring out the faint initial whoops, and other details of the ensuing vocals. Compare the two whoops in this clip to the series of whoops captured in Decatur County, GA in March 2011, in this clip:


Decatur Moan Howl - While vacationing in south Georgia I decided to visit a remote forested area to listen to night sounds and make wildlife recordings. After sun set there were a lot of owls calling and several alligators growling from the nearby river. At one point I heard three wood knocks come from the forest, and as I continued to listen I heard two distant whoops. I left my recorder out over night and at about 12:05 a.m. on the 12th of March, the recorder captured this distant moan howl. If was quickly followed up with a bonus ascending howl, and then ended with three wood knocks.


1 comment:

  1. I was just sitting down to put more audios on my audacity program to work with. Being new to this,I came upon this when I googled Sasquatch vocal range....perfect!..thank you.
