
A site dedicated to the review and analysis of potential sasquatch vocalizations, Sasquatch Bioacoustic combines techniques from the domains of intelligence collection, audio analysis and bioacoustic studies to examine the evidence of sasquatch through their vocalizations. ~Monongahela

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Michigan Sasquatch Vocals? Volume 8

Jim Sherman continues his excellent series of videos relaying possible sasquatch vocals captured in central Michigan. In this release he goes to some length to describe how he initiates a field investigation, what he carries with him, and how he deploys his recorder. Toward the end he includes an original audio clip captured as he and the witness were just about to part ways. Together they hear the vocals as they occur, and you can hear their enthusiastic reaction. This clip includes the beautifully executed "singing howl", as described in earlier videos.

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